Assembly Member Wilk Appointed Republican Caucus Chair

SACRAMENTO – Assembly Member Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, announced that Assembly Republican Leader Kristin Olsen has appointed him to serve as Assembly Republican Caucus Chair for the 2015-16 Legislative Session.

“Kristin Olsen is an energetic and dynamic leader who has a positive vision for California,” said Wilk. “As Caucus Chair, I look forward to working closely with Kristin and my colleagues as we work to keep college affordable for every student, grow our economy to create private-sector jobs, protect Californians from higher taxes, and make government more efficient and accountable.”

The Caucus Chair is the number-two position in the Republican leadership structure. Wilk will assist the Leader in overseeing caucus operations, advancing the Republican policy agenda, and achieving the Caucus' legislative goals.  

“In just two years in the Assembly, Scott Wilk has quickly established himself as a results-oriented leader and an effective advocate for California Republicans,” said Assembly Republican Leader Kristin Olsen, of Modesto. “Scott and I will work closely together in our efforts to modernize the caucus and bring our solutions-focused message to communities across California, especially those in which Republicans have not traditionally engaged.”