Learn a little about why Judy Cooperberg was selected as Senator Wilk's Woman of the Year March 4, 2019
Celebrating our veterans with a tour of the veterans memorials in the State Capitol Park November 1, 2018
Wilk discusses an issue before Budget Conference Committee's on ending employment of 121 developmentally disabled employees June 11, 2018
Capitol Comment: Updated budget numbers are a golden opportunity to invest in infrastructure May 18, 2018
Senator Wilk’s remarks during Senate ceremony honoring victims of Las Vegas shooting, which included three individuals from the 21st Senate District January 3, 2018
Senator Wilk's opening remarks during JLAC hearing on Wilk request for an audit of LA County's homeless funding June 28, 2017
Wednesday with Wilk -- Budget does not address challenges and hopes of ordinary Californians June 21, 2017
Senator Wilk's remarks against budget proposal to restructure the Board of Equalization June 15, 2017
Assemblyman Scott Wilk Speaks at the Ronald Reagan Statue Unveiling at the California State Capitol on 6-22-15 June 22, 2015