Assembly Speaker Atkins taps Wilk for New Privacy Committee

SACRAMENTO – In announcing committee assignments for the 2015-16 Legislative Session, California State Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, D-San Diego, named Assemblyman Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, as Vice Chairman of the new Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection.

The Committee on Privacy and Consumer Protection is a newly established committee which will have jurisdiction over all aspects of privacy from Internet media to consumer retail information to electronic medical records as well as other issues in the broader field of technology: the security of data, protection of personal information, information technology generally, and even California's own Department of Technology. The committee will also be responsible for legislation related to false advertising, product labeling and consumer protection generally.

“From the Target shoppers who have had their private information stolen, to the cyber-attack on Sony, it's clear as technology improves our quality of life, there is also greater risks as well,” stated Wilk.  “We need to do all we can to protect the privacy of our citizens, while not crippling technological advances, or picking winners and losers in the marketplace.”

Additional committees Wilk has been assigned to include: Budget Committee (Sub 4 - State Administration), the Governmental Organization Committee, the Business and Professions Committee and the Joint Committee on Arts.