Assemblyman Wilk Co-Authors Legislation to Increase CSU Enrollment

SACRAMENTO – Assemblyman Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, has signed onto an important piece of legislation which calls for appropriating an additional $22 million from the general fund to the California State University system.

Senate Bill 682 would provide California State Universities with the resources needed to enroll up to 6,000 California Community College transfer students for the Spring 2014 term. It is estimated that as many as 30,000 eligible students will be denied admission because the Budget Act of 2013 did not include sufficient funding to meet enrollment growth needs.

“As a former transfer student myself, I understand the struggles of a community college student who has completed all the requirements and is still denied admission,” Wilk said. “Increasing the ability for community college students to transfer to a CSU would help students reach their educational goals in a timely manner and save taxpayer dollars by avoiding redundant instructional costs.  Also, we must fulfill the Prop 30 promise and make dreams of attaining a bachelor's degree a reality,” Wilk said.