Assemblyman Wilk Honors 12th Anniversary of 9/11

SACRAMENTO – Assemblyman Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, honors the nearly 3,000 lives that were lost and the brave men and women who were the first to respond on September 11, 2001.

 As former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said, “We will rebuild. We're going to come out of this stronger than before, politically stronger, economically stronger. The skyline will be made whole again.” Progress has been made over the last 12 years, which included the new World Trade Center and the National September 11 Memorial Museum.

“We are strongest when we stand together and I join all Californians in remembering all the lives that were lost because of these heinous acts,” Wilk said. “On this day of remembrance, I ask that you take time to thank those around you who have fought for our country and our values. Our nation's Armed Forces and emergency responders work diligently to keep us safe on a daily basis and deserve the highest praise.”