California Senate Adjourns in Memory of Lancaster's Sgt. Steve Owen

SACRAMENTO – Senator Scott Wilk, R- Antelope Valley, asked the California State Senate to adjourn in the memory of Lancaster’s Sergeant Steve Owen during Monday’s floor session. Earlier in the day Senator Wilk participated in the Peace Officers Memorial Day, a two-day memorial service honoring California’s fallen heroes. Sergeant Owen’s name was added to the monument in a formal ceremony.

“This tribute doesn’t begin to compensate him or his family for their tragic loss, but it brings some comfort to those that benefited from his kindness, mentorship and public service,” said Wilk during his remarks. Senator Wilk’s full remarks on the Senate Floor can be found here.

Sergeant Owen, a 29-year veteran of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s office, was fatally wounded while responding to a burglary in progress. Described by his colleagues as a ‘cops cop,’ Sgt. Owen volunteered countless hours helping the youth of the region. He was not only well respected by his colleagues, but a pillar of the community. Senator Wilk is also co-authoring ACR 31 with Assemblyman Tom Lackey; the resolution names a portion of Highway 14 after Sergeant Owen.

Every May, in the week preceding National Police Week, the California Peace Officers’ Memorial Foundation (CPOMF) sponsors the two-day memorial service where thousands of officers, family members, and citizens join at the Capitol’s Peace Officer Memorial Monument to pay tribute to those who paid the ultimate price protecting our communities. The names of officers lost the previous year are added to the monument in a formal ceremony.

Sergeant Owen is survived by his wife Tania and their three children. The family was in the Senate chamber to receive the resolution and at the Capitol for the memorial events.