Thankful for a year of accomplishments

The holiday season is in full swing, and it is time for us all to gather with our family and friends. Many of us are continuing long-standing family traditions, while others are starting new traditions of their own.

As we spend quality time with our loved ones, we are reminded of how much we have to be thankful for this season.

Thanksgiving is also the perfect time to express our deepest gratitude to the members of our armed forces and their families.

Many of our service members cannot enjoy the holidays with their families because they are deployed overseas, fighting for our freedoms. We salute their service and sacrifice, and send our thoughts to them this Thanksgiving.

I am thankful to have had the opportunity to serve the 38th Assembly District and am extremely thankful to have the chance to serve you all again.

While I have not been supportive of every policy that came out of Sacramento last year, there were a lot of positives — and I'm hopeful there will be more in 2015.

Employees and beneficiaries of the film and aerospace industries have a lot to be thankful for this year.

The passage of California's Film Tax Credit was monumental, and many families can breathe a sigh of relief this holiday season.

Californians have suffered from film productions fleeing our state. Runaway film production is not only about jobs, but keeping families together.

Too many families have to be apart as TV shows and films have migrated out of California.

In addition to keeping families together, the main purpose of the Film Tax Credit is to offer incentives for film and television productions to stay in California.

As a principle co-author, I and my colleagues were able to reach an agreement that triples funding.

Santa Clarita Valley residents will greatly benefit from this tax credit and are already reaping the benefits.

Santa Clarita's film industry has remained competitive by offering a low permit fee, along with 20 soundstages and 10 movie ranches on which to film. Filming in the Santa Clarita Valley this year has generated $2.5 million in revenue with the Film Tax Credit; we will see even greater benefits as we move ahead.

Thanks to Congressman-elect Steve Knight's efforts, the Legislature also passed the aerospace tax credit. California will now be able to compete for the next long-range bomber, a $55 billion federal contract.

Winning the contact will not only lead to about 6,500 jobs in the Antelope Valley area, but will lead to additional business for many of the defense subcontractors in the Santa Clarita Valley.

Another victory I am thankful for is the passage of Proposition 1: the state's new water bond. The horrendous drought conditions in our state have hurt families, businesses and agriculture, and I'm proud to have been a part of the passage of the $7.5 billion water bond.

What I found most important in the proposal was that it dedicates nearly $3 billion toward storage and water conveyance. The remaining funds will be put toward drinking water protection, water supply management and water recycling.

The Santa Clarita Valley receives about 50 percent of its water from the State Water Project, and this on-going appropriation will ensure that the state is able to store and deliver the water that is promised to Southern California residents.

Speaking of droughts, California has not had a true “rainy day fund” in quite some time. Earlier this year, a bipartisan compromise was reached on creating a true “rainy day fund.”

This measure will hold in reserve 1.5 percent of the state's annual revenues in a separate account. A portion can be used to pay down our state's “wall of debt,” and the remaining funds will be held in reserve until the next economic downtown.

Each of us has learned how to budget or pay the consequences; I'm thankful California is finally budgeting and saving for unexpected revenue woes.

Among the issues the Legislature never approached were tort reform, workers compensation reform and reducing the burden of over-regulation.

We will never be able to grow California's economy until we create a stable regulatory and tax climate so entrepreneurs have the confidence to once again invest in our state.

I hope that wherever the holidays take you, your travels are safe and you enjoy spending time with your family and friends.

From my family to yours, have a blessed Thanksgiving.