Wilk Bill to Help Academy of the Canyons Students Passes Committee

SACRAMENTO –Yesterday afternoon Assemblyman Wilk's, R-Santa Clarita, bill to help California Community Colleges receive funding for physical education classes offered to  Early College and Middle College Schools students passed unanimously out of the Assembly Higher Education Committee.

“It makes no sense that Academy of the Canyon students' fees are waived for every class, but physical education. PE is a requirement for graduation just like any other course,” Wilk stated.

Students enrolled in Early College High Schools and Middle College High Schools must complete physical education courses to meet their state high school graduation requirements. Current law caps how many high school students can enroll in community college PE classes and how many students the Community College can receive apportionment funding for.  Because these students attend high school on a community college campus, they do not have access to traditional high school PE classes. 

AB 542 will allow California Community Colleges to receive funding for providing PE courses for Early College and Middle College High School students since they are responsible for completing the Physical Education requirement to meet state standards.

The bill will only apply to Community Colleges that have an Early College High School or a Middle College High School and only exempts those students from the cap on both enrollment and apportionment funding.  The caps will remain in place for other concurrently enrolled students.

Wilk concluded, “Many times Early College and Middle College students are first generation college students. AB 542 is a hand up, not a hand out.”