Wilk Bill Passes Unanimously Out of Assembly Higher Education Committee

SACRAMENTO – Today Assemblyman Scott Wilk's, R- Santa Clarita, California Community College Civic Center bill passed unanimously through the Assembly Higher Education Committee.

The Civic Center Act allows nonprofit groups to rent K-12 and community college facilities at a direct cost. This means the renters only need pay the direct costs resulting from their use of the facilities such as supplies and operations costs.

AB 1906 will expand the definition of “direct costs” to include a proportional share of the cost of maintaining, repairing, or renovating facilities.

This bill allows California Community Colleges to recoup maintenance costs from community groups that use their campus facilities. To ensure a fair rate, the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges will develop the proportional share regulations to be adopted by the Board of Governors and used by individual districts.

“Taxpayers expect their tax dollars to be spent in the classroom,” said Wilk. “This bill will ensure that community organizations are required to help maintain the facilities they use.”