Wilk Bill to Require SCV Sanitation District to Meet Locally Passes Assembly Committee

SACRAMENTO –Assemblyman Scott Wilk's, R-Santa Clarita, bill, AB 951, which will require the Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation District (SCVSD) to hold meetings within the Santa Clarita Valley passed unanimously out of the Assembly Local Government Committee.

“The people have a right to redress their government. Requiring ratepayers to drive over 50 miles to Whittier to give public input is undemocratic,” Wilk stated.

The idea for the proposed legislation sprung from the lack of public knowledge of the Sanitation District's plan to use Deep Well Injection (DWI) to store brine underground below the communities of Westridge and Stevenson Ranch. After strong community opposition the Sanitation Board withdrew the proposal.

“This bill will provide us with better government by creating greater transparency and public oversight on the actions of SCVSD Board of Directors.”