Wilk Bill Requiring SCVSD to Meet in District Clears Senate Committee

SACRAMENTO –Assemblyman Scott Wilk's, R-Santa Clarita, Assembly Bill 951, which would require the Santa Clarita Sanitation District (SCVSD) to hold its Board meetings within the boundaries of the district when policy decisions are being made relating to Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), passed unanimously out of the Senate Governance and Finance Committee.

“AB 951 will provide the residents of the Santa Clarita Valley with better government by creating greater transparency and public oversight on the actions of Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation District Board of Directors as it relates to addressing TMDLs,” Wilk said. “Ratepayers ought to be able to testify in their hometown and not drive to Whittier when the Board is making important decisions that ultimately affect their pocket books.”

Currently the SCVSD holds their meetings in the city of Whittier, 50 miles from the community they have jurisdiction over. Naturally, this discourages public testimony from ratepayers and hinders their ability from staying informed on issues that directly affect their home values and water rates.

AB 951 is a step in the right direction and provides much needed transparency and accountability to the residents of the Santa Clarita Valley.

The bill now heads to the Senate Appropriations committee.