Wilk Honors Life of President Ronald Reagan

SACRAMENTO – Assemblyman Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, presented Assembly Concurrent Resolution 87 which declares February 6, 2014 Ronald Reagan Day. Wilk was joined by 62 of his fellow Assembly Members who added on as co-authors. Many of them shared their own reasons on how and why President Reagan influenced them during the floor presentation.

“Ronald Reagan's life reflects the American experience and its potential for all those who work hard” Wilk said. “From humble beginnings he rose from life guard, to radio broadcaster, actor, union leader, corporate spokesman, the Governor of California, and the President of the United States of America.”

President Reagan was born on February 6th and would have celebrated his 103rd birthday this year. He was the 33rd Governor of California and the only California Governor to become President of the United States. The 38th Assembly District is home to the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

In closing Wilk stated, “I challenge every one of us of this floor today to commit to Ronald Reagan's vision that he shared during his first campaign for governor:  'California, with its climate, its resources, and its wealth of young, aggressive, talented people, must never take second place. We can provide jobs for all our people who will work and we can have honest government at a price we can afford.'”