Wilk introduces bill to allow free access and sharing of public records

SACRAMENTO –Today Assemblyman Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, introduced Assembly Bill 1648 which will allow taxpayers to more easily access and share public records.

“Citizens deserve full and unfettered access to public records,” said Wilk. “Currently the state contracts with a private party that charges for its services and enforces copyright laws when public records are shared.  If Californians are expected to follow the law, they should be able to know what those laws and regulations are.”

State law requires that public records are never held by a private entity in a way that would prevent a state or local agency from being able to directly provide that public record.  AB 1648 would expand that right to members of the public.

Currently the Code of Regulations is being published by a private company and taxpayers are prevented from legally distributing the information. AB 1648 will give citizens the same access to public records afforded to state or local government agencies.