Wilk Responds to Governor Brown 2015-16 Budget Proposal

SACRAMENTO – Today Assemblyman Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, issued the following statement in response to Governor Jerry Brown's 2015-16 Budget Proposal:

“Our state's top budget priorities should be protecting classroom dollars, growing the economy, and paying down debt and I would like to thank the Governor for putting these priorities into action.

I hope the Governor listens to the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office recommendation to set $4 billion aside for budget reserve this year. Every dollar we save in good times is a dollar that can be used to fund Californians' budget priorities in bad times.

However, I am concerned about the increased medical costs due to the expansion of eligibility but as the Governor noted there are 12.2 million Californian's who are neither rich nor middle class who need health care and education. I wish the numbers were lower and the way to reduce those numbers is to boost our economy with higher wage jobs and on that score, I think the Governor and Majority party is failing.”