Wilk Responds to Governor Brown 2016-17 Budget Proposal

SACRAMENTO – Today Assemblyman Scott Wilk, R-Santa Clarita, issued the following statement in response to Governor Jerry Brown's 2016-17 Budget Proposal:

“While I appreciate the governor's inclination to demonstrate a modest act of fiscal conservatism, this budget is not fiscally responsible nor does it reflect the priorities of every day Californians.

Sacramento needs to be paying down the state's monstrous debt, investing in public education and repairing and expanding our roads and water infrastructure.  Furthermore, the lack of commitment to fulfilling the promise to the developmentally disabled community whose funding was slashed during the 'Great Recession' is troubling.

Instead of fixing our roads, the governor continues to pursue his pipedream of High-Speed Rail.  The High-Speed rail would be the largest public works project in the history of mankind.  Investing $68 billion in a 150-year old technology makes no sense and runs counter to the innovative and creative nature of California's entrepreneurs.

While this initial proposal is disappointing, as a member of the Assembly Budget Committee, I look forward to working with the governor's office and my colleagues to produce a budget document worthy of our great citizens.”