Wilk statement on Governor Newsom's budget proposal

Sacramento - Senator Scott Wilk, representing the 21st Senate District, released the following response to Governor Gavin Newsom’s 2021-22 budget proposal:

“The budget reflects how out of touch the Governor is with the priorities of average Californians. He proposes spending over $3 billion dollars on things like zero-emission car infrastructure for state workers and other climate innovations, while Californians are wondering where their next meal will come from. EDD benefits remain frozen, distance learning is a disaster and small businesses are folding like a deck of cards.

“As a member of the Senate Budget Committee, I look forward to dissecting the Governor’s plan and ensuring our state resources are laser-focused on what matters to real people – the pandemic, getting kids back in school and people back to work, helping our small businesses recover and massive reform at the State’s disgrace of an unemployment insurance agency.”