Wilk Recognizes Santa Clarita Design Agency as December’s Small Business of the Month

Senator Wilk and Hillary Broadwater at the VIA Installation Luncheon. Please contact Jacqui.Nguyen@sen.ca.gov for a high-resolution photo.

Senator Scott Wilk (R-Santa Clarita) recently recognized QM Design Group as the 21st Senate District’s Small Business of the Month. Hillary Broadwater is the president and creative director of the marketing agency, which has made a name and home in Santa Clarita for nearly 15 years.  
“I am happy to recognize Hillary and her marketing agency as the 21st Senate District’s Small Business of the Month. When she is not tapping away at her keyboard creating a visual voice for entrepreneurs and non-profits, Hillary is giving back to the community – volunteering for a variety of non-profits, including one of my favorites, Circle of Hope.
“California has 3.7 million small businesses, and it is no secret that these job creators are the economic drivers of growth in our state. The pandemic has financially impacted many of these businesses where some 19,000 shuttered their doors. But Hillary at QM Design Group has managed to remain open and successful. Hats off to Hillary for her good work and support of our community. It is an honor to recognize her business as the December Small Business of the Month.” 
Each month, Senator Wilk chooses one business to recognize as his Small Business of the Month. Small businesses play an integral role in the fabric of our communities by supporting local charities, scouts, schools and non-profits. The 21st Senate District’s Small Business of the Month highlights a local business that goes above and beyond for its community.
Earlier this year, Senator Wilk recognized Circle of Hope Cancer Support Center as the Non-Profit of the Year for California’s 21st Senate District.